
How Can I Ever Thank You, Lord? Lenten Reflection

The following reflection came to me as I prayed the Rosary meditating on the Sorrowful mysteries on this Friday of the third week of Lent 2014.

As I began the Sorrowful Mysteries, I reflected on the loneliness our Lord must have experienced during his Agony in the Garden; the unimaginable stress he must have suffered in bearing the sins of all mankind, past, present, and future. And I thought, “How can I ever thank you, Lord? You did this for me!”
You, Creator of a universe so vast that its boundaries, if any, will most likely never be known to science, the one and only omniscient God who did not have to leave your Heavenly throne, be born in a filthy stable, and live, work, and experience human joy and suffering for thirty-three years to experience our humanity because You knew our human experiences from the beginning. “How can I ever thank you, Lord? You did this for me.”

You, Creator of a universe so vast that its boundaries, if they exist, will most likely never be known to science, did not have to suffer the unimaginable torture of being scourged, flesh being torn from your body, organs and bones exposed, soaked in blood, with every vicious blow, but you did for me.  “How can I ever thank you, Lord? You did this for me.”
You, Creator of a universe so vast that its boundaries, if they exist, will most likely never be known to science, did not have to be spat upon, beaten beyond recognition, mocked, and nailed naked to the rough wood of the cross in the presence of your Mother and close friends, but you did it for me. “How can I ever thank you, Lord? You did this for me.”

Lord, may I never take your eternal gift of love for me for granted. In times of weakness and temptation, may I always recall the price you paid for my sins. There is no greater love than yours! I am sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. Please forgive me and have mercy on me, a sinner!