
Fr. Larry Richards

I stumbled upon Fr. Larry Richards a while ago while visiting a nearby parish, I noticed a display of CDs in the vestibule. One of the CDs was entitled, "The Mass Explained", by Fr. Larry Richards. I listened to his presentation and liked his sort of tough guy but gentle style. In fact I liked it so much I was determined to find other works by him. This quest took me to his website - http://www.thereasonforourhope.org/.

I ended up purchasing the video version of "The Mass Explained" along with one entitled, "Knowing God's Will".

I strongly urge everyone to visit this site and take a moment to register (it's free), so that you can gain access to some very edifying, informative, and well done short videos by Father Larry Richards. The videos are only a few minutes in length. After registering, please take a minute to watch some of the videos. You'll find them by clicking on the My Account tab and then going to the Archives tab and eventually clicking on Hope For This Week link. They're all good! My favorite so far is one entitled, "A Story About Love".

Let me know what you think.

Enjoy, and God Bless!

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