
You Are Special!

You Are Special!

What is it about us that prevents us from taking a moment every now and then to consider the incomprehensible majesty of our Creator?

It is amazing to think that our Creator God, our Heavenly Father, who remains in control of every aspect of the vastness of this universe, desires an intimate relationship with each and every one of us! THANK YOU, LORD!

If you ever found yourself thinking that you were nothing special, or perhaps even worthless and without purpose, think again!

The Creator of this vast universe would never have humbled Himself to walk among us and suffer terribly in order to offer us salvation if we were worthless creatures, however small and insignificant we may think we are, or seem to appear, in comparison to the incomprehensible size of the universe! THANK YOU, LORD!

God considers us to be so special that He remains with us to this day, again humbly making Himself available to us under the appearance of bread and wine in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist! He desires to be with you! Do you desire to be with Him? THANK YOU, LORD!

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