
Heaven on Earth

Father Larry Richards, in his presentation entitled, The Mass Explained, says this about what occurs at every Mass, ‘eternity folds into the present and the present folds into eternity.’

At the beginning of each Mass we hear the priest say these words in what is known as the Penitential Rite, “My brothers and sisters, to prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our sins.”

Yes, the fact that the God of the universe, Jesus Christ, becomes truly present among us and gives Himself to us in the Eucharist is a mystery of faith. As we commemorate Christ’s one redeeming sacrifice for the sins of the world, we join our Blessed Mother and all the angels and saints at the foot of the cross as we give glory and honor to our Savior as He gives us His life so that we may live!

How awesome is this image? And how privileged we are to stand in His presence!

Dr. Scott Hahn, in his book, The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth, uses a beautiful illustration of the Mass as a time “when heaven touches down to save an earth under siege.” Of course Dr. Hahn is referring to the continuous battle we wage against the spiritual forces of darkness perpetrated by Satan and his army of demons.

Now that we have a little knowledge of what goes on at Mass, it should be a place where we all long to be! We should be there as often as possible, and eagerly look forward to each and every celebration of this Holy Sacrifice!

Please pass this on to all our Catholic brothers and sisters, as well as all humanity for that matter – Jesus gave His life for ALL!

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