


These are the very first words of the song, Here I Am to Worship, “Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness.”  Upon hearing this song this morning, I couldn’t help but think of how people want to be important but fail to realize just how important and valued they truly are.  

One only needs to ponder two things deeply and carefully to realize just how important they are.

The first thing is to consider how God is the Creator of all that exists. He is “Maker of all things visible and invisible,” according to what we profess in the Nicene Creed. Think deeply about what is being said here. God created the entire universe, the ends of which science will most likely never determine, a vast universe containing billions of galaxies, containing billions upon billions of stars and planets. Think also of the microscopic world with all of its intricate detail and complexities, many of which still escape the knowledge of modern science.

The second thing to consider is that the same Creator God mentioned above chose to descend upon our earthly realm, making his appearance in history as a helpless infant no less.

Why did He do this, you ask?

God chose to become both fully human and fully divine in order to fulfill his mission of restoring creation to its originally intended condition prior to Adam & Eve’s fall in the garden - to redeem us. He accomplished this mission through his life, passion, death, and resurrection. The Creator God assumed our human nature so that we could have the opportunity to share in his divine nature. This happens when we unite ourselves with Christ, the Word made Flesh. To share in God’s divine nature is to be given the opportunity to experience the ultimate happiness of living eternally in the presence of God.

Without God’s incarnation and redemption, we were in danger of returning to a state of nonexistence (nothingness), since God created everything from nothing, and God being God, He was not about to allow that to happen.

How important are you? VERY IMPORTANT!

To learn more about the subject, consider reading St. Athanasius'
On the Incarnation

Also enjoy Father John Behr’s talks on St. Athanasius’ work on YouTube

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