
Jesus Forbid Us To Judge – He Commands Us To Love!

In this powerful and very moving 4 minute video, Fr. Larry Richards, founder of the Reason For Our Hope Foundation, reminds us of an extremely important teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. One I’m sure every one of us needs to apply to the way in which we relate to others.

Father Richards reveals this truth by relating to us a personal experience in which he was reminded that Jesus commands us to love and not to judge. Enjoy! Please pass this message along to others. It is one we all need to hear.

Also, please visit the Reason For Our Hope Foundation website @ http://www.thereasonforourhope.org/ where you can listen to Fr. Richards’ homilies, view more of his video presentations, order materials and videos, and learn more about the mission of this ministry, and ways in which you can support it.

You will be blessed!

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