
Why are the Sacraments Important?

There is power in the sacraments!

The power of the sacraments comes from Christ himself!
Each sacrament was instituted by Christ himself for the purpose of conferring upon those who choose to participate in the sacraments with the proper disposition, the grace he earned through his passion, death and resurrection.
As Catholics we enjoy the privilege of being in communion with Jesus and his Church each and every when we take the opportunity to receive Him in the Eucharist at daily Mass!

The beauty of the sacraments is the manner in which they confer God’s grace upon us. In his divine wisdom, Jesus knew that as corporeal beings we would best be led to things of a spiritual nature through our bodily senses. St. Thomas Aquinas refers to the matter and form, used in each sacrament as proper and fitting for the purpose intended. He also teaches us the following about the role sacraments play in our salvation:

I answer that, Sacraments are necessary unto man's salvation for three reasons. The first is taken from the condition of human nature which is such that it has to be led by things corporeal and sensible to things spiritual and intelligible. Now it belongs to Divine providence to provide for each one according as its condition requires. Divine wisdom, therefore, fittingly provides man with means of salvation, in the shape of corporeal and sensible signs that are called sacraments.

The second reason is taken from the state of man who in sinning subjected himself by his affections to corporeal things. Now the healing remedy should be given to a man so as to reach the part affected by disease. Consequently it was fitting that God should provide man with a spiritual medicine by means of certain corporeal signs; for if man were offered spiritual things without a veil, his mind being taken up with the material world would be unable to apply itself to them.

The third reason is taken from the fact that man is prone to direct his activity chiefly towards material things. Lest, therefore, it should be too hard for man to be drawn away entirely from bodily actions, bodily exercise was offered to him in the sacraments, by which he might be trained to avoid superstitious practices, consisting in the worship of demons, and all manner of harmful action, consisting in sinful deeds.
It follows, therefore, that through the institution of the sacraments man, consistently with his nature, is instructed through sensible things; he is humbled, through confessing that he is subject to corporeal things, seeing that he receives assistance through them: and he is even preserved from bodily hurt, by the healthy exercise of the sacraments. Summa Theologica: TREATISE ON THE SACRAMENTS (QQ[60]-90): Question. 61 - OF THE NECESSITY OF THE SACRAMENTS (FOUR ARTICLES)

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