
Into Great Silence: One Carthusian Monks Words of Wisdom

My favorite part of the film documentary, "Into Great Silence" a film about the Carthusian Monks, is an interview that takes place with an elderly, frail, blind monk.

Unfortunately, this video clip shows only about half of the interview. I'm convinced that the wisdom the monk shares during the interview is the result of a life spent in silent contemplation and prayer. He demonstrates a peace and contentment that goes beyond anything that the material world has to offer.

The interview begins about 1 minute and 10 seconds into this short video clip.


  1. I hear nothing but praise for this. But I've tried watching this twice now through netflix and haven't (apparently) been in the right frame of mind. I can't get through the first 15 minutes. I think both times, I've been far too absorbed with my problems to be able to recieve what's being offered. I'm glad you posted this link, as it's reminded me to try it again, this time in a quiet time. Apt for me also as I just signed up to go on my first silent retreat. By the way, thanks for the follow!

  2. Christopher,
    You're absolutely right about having to be in the right frame of mind to watch the movie. At the time that I watched it, I tried to picture myself living the life of the Carthusians and how that lifestyle is more conducive to knowing God's will and forming a deeper prayer life.

    Thank you for becoming a follower as well. I am blessed to have found your blog and will certainly share it with others.

    Bill K

  3. My bestfriend is being considered for enterance into a Carthusian order. I am trying my best to be supportive of this vocation that he is responding to. I intend on watching this video in hopes that it will enlighted me, and elicite a better understanding of what my friend intends to achieve.
    Thank you for bringing this movie to my attention.

  4. Cerridwen,

    It's great that you support your friend's call to serve in the Carthusian order! Pray for him and know that God is ultimately in control! Thanks for visiting the blog! Peace, Bill
