
Called To Give A Common Witness

I was prompted to write this post after receiving a video via my Facebook Inbox from a Christian woman, not of the Catholic Faith, whom, after finding me on the world wide web, decided that I needed to be rescued from the evil clutches of Rome. The video follows this post, and is actually quite good!

She sent me the usual anti-Catholic rhetoric and suggested several links that would help to set me straight. I lovingly and gently responded by suggesting that she spend some time learning what the Catholic Faith truly teaches and directed her to the website Catholics Come Home.

The fact that this woman sent me this video served as a warm reminder that our call as Christians is a common call, in fact we are all commissioned by our Lord to proclaim the same Good News to the world! The point is that Christian unity is incredibly beautiful because it demonstrates the very love of God which is manifested by a common concern for the eternal salvation of every soul!

In this Year of Evangelization, our Holy Father shared the following reflection concerning Christian unity. On January 25, 2010, the feast of the conversion of St. Paul, Pope Benedict XVI in a homily he gave at vespers in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, appealed to all Christians to give a common witness starting immediately . . .Pope Says Now Is Time For United Testimony.

In a world in which the enemy has craftily led so many away from God by deception, distraction and false hopes of happiness, Christians need more than ever to unite to share the love of Christ with the world!

Pope Benedict reflected on the "fundamental intuition" of the preliminary ecumenical gathering held in Edinburgh, Scotland one hundred years ago: that Christians cannot proclaim the Gospel credibly if they are divided. Within Christianity there are about 34,000 separate groups of which over half of them are independent churches that have no interest in linking with a large denomination. There are over 4,684 Christian groups in the United States teaching their own brand of 'truth'.

Satan and his minions seem to have gained much ground in two major areas, both of which we must immediately begin work to reverse. We must abandon the culture of death in which we now live and acknowledge the sanctity of life! We must also begin to restore Christian unity into the one Body of Christ which God intended us to be!

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