
So Many Good, Dedicated, and Holy Catholic Priests

There have been, and still are so many good, holy, and dedicated Catholic priests serving God in this world! This thought comes to mind each time the media focuses the world’s attention on something negative concerning Catholic priests. By no means am I trying to lessen the serious nature of such incidents. The point is that the same amount of attention should be given to the far greater number of positive instances of self-sacrificing service given by our Catholic clergy from the Holy Father on down!

I’ll share with you the story of Father Vincent Capodanno, a priest who was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic actions while serving as Chaplain with the Marines in Vietnam.

Fr. Capodanno’s story was written by Father Daniel L. Mode in a book entitled, The Grunt Padre. A DVD of the same title is also available. The video contains powerful and moving accounts by Marines who were ministered to by Fr. Capodanno on the battlefield on the day that he gave his life! If you’re looking for a tearjerker, this is it, and it’s REAL!

The following 6-minute video is part of an interview with Mr. James Capodanno on the 40th anniversary of his brother’s death.

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