
Happy Easter 2015! Faith and Reason

Happy Easter, everyone! Alleluia! The Lord is Risen!

I just wanted to share a thought that occurred to me during Mass this morning! The thought began in my head and in my heart during the Liturgy of the Word, when during his homily, Father reminded the congregation that Christ suffered, died, and was resurrected for ALL of humanity. Upon hearing that statement I was immediately struck with amazement over the indescribable love the Creator has for us.

I believe everything I profess in the Creed through the gift of faith given to me at baptism. However, when that faith is combined with reason, I become even more intensely aware of the magnitude of God’s love for me.

For example, when contemplating the salvific work of our Lord, one only needs to think of how precious we must be in his sight, that the Creator of all that is seen and unseen, would humble himself to the point he did out of love for us. Think of the tiny place we occupy relative to the vastness of the cosmos with its billions of galaxies and billions of stars. For the Creator of it all to suffer what he did to afford us the opportunity to be in His Presence eternally is indeed evidence of the value He places on each and every one of us.

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