
Faith Formation – Thank You, Felician Sisters!

I consider myself fortunate to have been educated by the Felician Sisters in grades K-8. I will remain forever grateful to those dedicated servants of God.

My prayer is that every parent be afforded the opportunity to send their children to Catholic schools.

The faith foundation the Felician Sisters helped establish in me has stood the test of time. There have been times when I have neglected the practice of my Catholic faith and placed God on hold as I raced through life. But I’m here to tell you that God never let me go, as He patiently waits for every one of us! His hand was always upon me and I will forever remain amazed and awestruck at His mercy and love!

God’s grace, mercy, love, and patience have ignited in me a burning desire to do for others what those wonderful Felician Sisters did for me, which is to share the teachings of our Catholic faith and encourage believers to proclaim those truths to others with the love and gentleness of Christ!

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