
Prayer After Receiving Communion

Jesus, Creator of the universe, we believe You are truly present among us under the appearance of bread and wine;

We acknowledge, that through the grace You offer us in this Eucharist, we grow closer to You, are healed of sin, and preserved from future sin;

Thank You for loving us so much!

We are Yours; we long to become the instruments through which others may come to know, love, and desire You;

Lord, please use us as You will to lead others to the grace You offer;

and may the sanctifying grace conferred upon us in this Eucharist today be shared with all those who will not, or cannot partake in this precious gift You offer! Amen!


  1. The relation with God in Eucharist is very deep. So when we receive Communion, we are to be with Jesus not for a while, but more - it's very good to pray, to appreciate Him, to talk with Him. But I observe rather strange behaviour of people: they finish this meeting practically immediately after the end of Holly Mass. Jesus is sad, because nobody of our visitors is treated in such strange manner! Nobody except Jesus!
    Can we start a practice to spend more time with Him after receiving Communion? It will be fruitful, very very fruitful!
    I can say that a lot of graces Jesus gave me during this special time after Communion and after Holly Mass.
    Many saints can say the same! Saint Father Pio of Petrelcina had used to spend with Jesus about one hour after Holly Mass. And his possibilities of spiritual help were enormous - Jesus had gave him this unnatural possibilities.
    What can I say about Jesus's graces for me? My answer is: I invite You to read this, what I had written about Passover and it's connections with the Book of Exodus (I have passed my doctoral thesis about it in 2008 in Cracow in Poland - The Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow): http://www.adoracja.bielsko.opoka.org.pl/praca_doktorska/summary_Wojciech_Kosek_Passover.html

    Thank You for Your love to God, to Eucharist!

    Dr. Wojciech Kosek

  2. PS
    It is interesting, what Pope Pius XII wrote in Encyclical "Mediator Dei".
    123. When the Mass, which is subject to special rules of the liturgy, is over, the person who has received holy communion is not thereby freed from his duty of thanksgiving; rather, it is most becoming that, when the Mass is finished, the person who has received the Eucharist should recollect himself, and in intimate union with the divine Master hold loving and fruitful converse with Him. Hence they have departed from the straight way of truth, who, adhering to the letter rather than the sense, assert and teach that, when Mass has ended, no such thanksgiving should be added, not only because the Mass is itself a thanksgiving, but also because this pertains to a private and personal act of piety and not to the good of the community.
    124. But, on the contrary, the very nature of the sacrament demands that its reception should produce rich fruits of Christian sanctity. Admittedly the congregation has been officially dismissed, but each individual, since he is united with Christ, should not interrupt the hymn of praise in his own soul, "always returning thanks for all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father." [Eph. 5:20.] The sacred liturgy of the Mass also exhorts us to do this when it bids us pray in these words, "Grant, we beseech thee, that we may always continue to offer thanks [Roman Missal, Postcommunion …]… and may never cease from praising thee." [Roman Missal, Postcommunion ...] Wherefore, if there is no time when we must not offer God thanks, and if we must never cease from praising Him, who would dare to reprehend or find fault with the Church, because she advises her priests [Code of Canon Law, can. 810.] and faithful to converse with the divine Redeemer for at least a short while after holy communion, and inserts in her liturgical books, fitting prayers, enriched with indulgences, by which the sacred ministers may make suitable preparation before Mass and holy communion or may return thanks afterwards? So far is the sacred liturgy from restricting the interior devotion of individual Christians, that it actually fosters and promotes it so that they may be rendered like to Jesus Christ and through Him be brought to the heavenly Father; wherefore this same discipline of the liturgy demands that whoever has partaken of the sacrifice of the altar should return fitting thanks to God. For it is the good pleasure of the divine Redeemer to hearken to us when we pray, to converse with us intimately and to offer us a refuge in His loving Heart.
    125. Moreover, such personal colloquies are very necessary that we may all enjoy more fully the supernatural treasures that are contained in the Eucharist and according to our means, share them with others, so that Christ our Lord may exert the greatest possible influence on the souls of all.
    126. Why then, Venerable Brethren, should we not approve of those who, when they receive holy communion, remain on in closest familiarity with their divine Redeemer even after the congregation has been officially dismissed, and that not only for the consolation of conversing with Him, but also to render Him due thanks and praise and especially to ask help to defend their souls against anything that may lessen the efficacy of the sacrament and to do everything in their power to cooperate with the action of Christ who is so intimately present. We exhort them to do so in a special manner by carrying out their resolutions, by exercising the Christian virtues, as also by applying to their own necessities the riches they have received with royal Liberality. The author of that golden book "The Imitation of Christ" certainly speaks in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the liturgy, when he gives the following advice to the person who approaches the altar, "Remain on in secret and take delight in your God; for He is yours whom the whole world cannot take away from you." [Book IV, c. 12.]

  3. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the Readers of this website!
    I am very happy to find this website dedicated to the Holy Eucharist.
    I would like to invite You to visit my website dedicated to the explanation of the importance of this prayer, which is strictly connected with the time of incoming of the Lord Jesus in Holy Communion, the time of His being with us in the deepest personal relation:


    I have finished editing this website recently, i.e. on 16 June 2010.
    I have published here texts written by Church Fathers, Popes of XX century and Saints, describing the meaning of the thanksgiving after the Holy Communion.
    I hope You will be able to spend some time on my website to familiarize yourself with this texts and to introduce friends to it.

    I would like to ask You to put a link to my website on your website:

    Wojciech Kosek


    You might also be interested to visit my other website:


    It is a summary of my doctoral thesis: The original rite of the Passover in the light of the literary scheme of the Book of Exodus 1–18, The Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow, Cracow 2008.

    Passover and Eucharist are in a deep relation, aren’t they?

  4. Dr. Kosek

    You have done a great job compiling the information on this website (http://www.adoracja.bielsko.opoka.org.pl/Texts_of_Church_Fathers.html)! I have placed a link to it on this blog. Peace!

  5. Dear Brother in Christ, Bill!

    Thank you very much for Your proclamation of the Catholic faith!

    Thanks a lot for Your good opinion about my work and for placing a link to my website on your Everything Catholic Blog.

    God's Peace be with You and Your Family!
